EXION Fractional RF Microneedling is a powerful skin retexturing device that uses AI technology with microneedles and radiofrequency (RF) energy to transform skin. The microneedles and RF create small, targeted micro-injuries to the skin to stimulate controlled wound healing. It also stimulates collagen production and promotes skin remodeling. The AI technology ensures precise delivery of energy to the tissues.

EXION Fractional RF Microneedling uses needles that can penetrate 4 mm and use RF to extend an additional 4 mm for a total depth of 8 mm – deeper than other RF Microneedling options available. And since the needles are penetrating less deeply, the EXION Fractional RF device causes less discomfort and less down-time than other deep tissue treatments.

EXION Fractional RF Microneedling can be used around the eyes, face, neck, and over the body. It can be used to target deep set wrinkles, acne scarring, body scars, and more.

Why choose to have Exion Fractional RF Microneedling at Becoming You Wellness Spa?

At Becoming You, we believe in individualized, holistic, and organic care that helps our clients be healthier, stronger, and more beautiful from the inside out.

Schedule a FREE consultation today where we will put together a personalized package that will help you to look and feel your best! Click on the link below to schedule today or to find out more about EXION Fractional RF Microneedling. You can also schedule by phone at 317-938-4559.

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