hormone pellet therapy
Hormone pellet therapy is one option for Hormone Replacement in patients with low hormones from perimenopause, menopause, or low testosterone levels and the associated symptoms. For women, low hormone symptoms can include hot flashes, night sweats, trouble sleeping, weight gain, loss of muscle mass, and mood changes. For men, low testosterone levels can cause low energy, low sex drive, hair loss, fat gain, and mood and memory issues.
Hormone pellets are placed under the skin and release small but steady amounts of hormone directly into the body for several months. It is an easy alternative to hormone creams, wax troches, or injections.
Hormone pellet therapy is offered at Becoming You with an order and referral from a primary care provider. Patients desiring pellet therapy will need to have a consultation and lab work prior to pellet placement.
Men: $600 – typically done every 5-6 months
Women: $450 – typically done every 3-4 month
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